Thursday, March 13, 2008

w is for writing

The writing which I have to write is of a kind. One of those kinds is a writing which is for reading, a writing that disappears into meaning and conveyance, that carries a load and when the load has been carried it is the load which is meaning which is remembered and the writing disappears. Another of those kinds is a writing which is for writing and for words and is not for conveying. This is a writing which is not for reading but is to be read. The writing which I have to write is mostly of the second kind. Writing which is not for reading but is to be read does work, but it is of a different kind than the first kind of writing. This writing also disappears but its disappearing is of a different kind than the first kind of writing. Writing which does not disappear is made to disappear. Writing which disappears is made, which is to say that writing which disappears is made to disappear, but the writing which is not made to disappear disappears as well. The disappearing is of a different kind because the making is of a different kind. This is a history of not being read.

1 comment:

Brandon said...

I must say that this was fun to read. I genuinely hope to see the entire alphabet materialize one day . . . soon.