Wednesday, October 15, 2008

I've never owned a computer that wasn't a Mac

Newsweek says that Apple's updated laptops aren't really worth the hype.

To a point, I have to agree, but it still feels a bit like sour grapes. What's really going on here is a conflict between mutually irreconcilable points: 1. it isn't really fair to expect Apple to constantly reinvent everything (although they do an amazing job of putting out an incredibly innovative product every couple of years or so), and 2. it is equally unfair for us Mac fanatics to expect the entire world to share the full extent of our enthusiasm.

Are the new MacBook and MacBook Pro machines a radical re-thinking of the laptop computer? No. That's the MacBook Air from way back in January. The new MacBooks are, however, elegantly gorgeous, and I want one even though there's zero chance that a new computer will fit into my budget.

Those of you who share my love of all things Apple may enjoy Newsweek's photoessay on key products in Apple's history. I'd be interested to hear if there's anything specific that you think should Newsweek's timeline misses. (I'd suggest that a discussion of Apple's important failures like the Cube would be useful—Newsweek hints at this by including the Newton; and it would be worthwhile to explore the way Apple has used its education market to test ideas—for example, the little-known Power PC all-in-one that bridges the gap between the original Macintosh and the iMac.)

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